Therapy for Anxiety in Newcastle

Therapy for Anxiety Newcastle Psychologist

At Lacuna Clinical Psychology we provide effective evidenced based therapy for anxiety in Newcastle NSW. Our team of Clinical Psychologists can help you regulate, understand and overcome your anxiety symptoms. We are experience with assessment and treatment of anxiety and anxiety disorders, including:

  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

  • Anxiety Attacks/Panic Attacks

  • Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Agoraphobia

  • High levels of anxiety

More than a diagnosis. More than strategies.

Common Causes of Anxiety

Anxiety can often feel chronic, out of the blue or unexplainable. Many people believe they are stuck with their anxiety. Therapy can often help people to uncover the reasons their anxiety started in the past, and why it continues to in day to day life. We will work to understand your unique triggers, but here are some common underlying causes for anxiety that therapy can help with.

  • One of the most common triggers for anxiety symptoms is conflict in relationships including with your partner, family, friends and work colleagues. Therapy can help you to become more confident and comfortable with your feelings in conflict situations. In addition to having less anxiety you may also gain an improved ability to be assertive, to set boundaries and to express yourself in your relationships.

  • It is common for emotionally laden, painful or traumatic memories to cause anxiety. Our memories are closely tied to our emotions, we are more likely to remember situations that caused us to feel strong or even overwhelming emotions. Sometimes we learn to suppress memories that were to painful for us to face in childhood. When these arise in our adult life our nervous system can still be triggered in the same way as when we were younger and more vulnerable. Therapy can help you to process unresolved memories and emotions.

  • Anger is a normal and healthy emotion. It signals our sense of injustice and helps us to set boundaries and stand up for ourselves. Despite its utility, many people are uncomfortable with their anger. Anger is sometimes confused with violence, when we confuse our angry feelings with acts of violence it makes sense to become anxious about our anger toward other people. We can also be anxious about our anger if we've had difficulties controlling our anger or if we've witnessed people express unregulated anger in violence or abuse; particularly if this was in our childhood.

    Therapy can help you to understand the reasons your anger makes you anxious and help you to be better able to experience your healthy angry feelings with regulated anxiety, while also feeling in control of your angry feelings.

  • Guilt is a painful emotion because it is often associated with having hurt someone we love or care about. Sometimes guilt becomes suppress due to the pain it causes us and the reminder of something we regret. Therapy can help you to process unresolved emotions and memories associated with guilt. When unresolved emotions are processed they no longer trigger anxiety.

  • Emotions are common triggers to anxiety. Sadness and grief are normal and healthy emotions, but they are painful to feel. Sometimes instead of noticing our sadness or grief we become anxious instead, this is our nervous system attempting to protect us from a painful feeling. We can also become anxious about emotions such as sadness due to messages from our childhood. For instance, if sadness made our caregivers anxious or angry we will learn to become anxious when we feel our normal and healthy emotions due to their impact on our relationships when we were young.

  • If we expect judgement or criticism from others, we will inevitably continue to feel anxious as we interact with people we fear might judge us. Oftentimes we expect judgement or criticism if people in our early life judged or criticised us as children. Therapy can help you understand and overcome these processes.

Find Inner Peace with Therapy for Anxiety

Therapy for Anxiety in Newcastle provided by experienced Clinical Psychologists.

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