Rediscover Safety and Control with Therapy for Trauma

Trauma Focused Therapy in Newcastle provided by experienced Clinical Psychologists.

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Take Charge of Your Feelings and Your Future

How Trauma Therapy Can Help

Safety and Control

Safety and control are vitally important when engaging in trauma focused therapy. Therapy is only effective when you feel safe and in control of the therapy process. Establishing this safety and control of the process for you is the first priority in trauma focused therapy.


The fight, flight and freeze response is powerful and adaptive. When trauma occurs this system protects us, but it can become overactive. Therapy can help you to gain an understanding of when your anxiety system gets overactive and help you learn to regulate it.


Relationship difficulties are common among trauma survivors. Trauma incidents often involve being victimised by another human being. Developing an understanding and mastery of relationship triggers is often a key aspect of trauma therapy.

Past and Present

Many trauma survivors have difficulty differentiating the past from the present when a trauma trigger occurs. This is sometimes called flooding. Trauma therapy can help you better differentiate a present trigger from the past traumatic experience and reduce your anxiety and stress response.


At the core of traumatic experiences are emotions that were overwhelming and unbearable at the time they occurred. The emotional processing of traumatic memories can provide lasting relief when this occurs in the context of safety, regulation and control.


Traumatic experiences can leave people feeling like they are lost at sea. The course of trauma therapy is different for everyone, but the end result is often a greater sense of self integration and understanding that will allow you to feel more in control and in charge of your life.