Reclaim your Inner Strength with Therapy for Depression

Therapy for Depression Newcastle Psycholgist

Therapy for Depression in Newcastle provided by experienced Clinical Psychologists.

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How Therapy Can Help with Depression

Understanding the Cause

The term depression does not help us understand the cause or treatment that will help. So the first step of therapy for depressive symptoms is to understand all of the symptoms and what triggers those symptoms. Developing a clear understanding of your symptoms and the underlying causes is an important first step in therapy for depression.

Internalised Feelings

One of the most common causes of depressive symptoms for people is self-doubt and self-criticism. Interanlised feelings often arise in the context of relationship conflict. If you internalise your feelings, therapy will help you to deal with your emotions in a way that overcomes self-doubt and self-criticism and leaves you feeling empowered.

Keeping a Distance

When we avoid emotional vulnerability we can end up depressed. Emotional connection provides us a sense of meaning and purpose. If we avoid vulnerability we end up feeling lonely and disconnected. Therapy can help you overcome anxiety about vulnerability and help you to reconnect in relationships and to your emotions.


Depression often occurs with anxiety symptoms. Therapy will help you develop an understanding of your anxiety and the links between anxiety and depression. Common signs of high anxiety for people with depression can include nausea, migraines and gut issues.


At the heart of all therapy is understanding and learning to better connect to your emotions. When we connect with our emotions without too much anxiety we get to use those emotions to feel empowered instead of anxious, depressed or disconnected.


Relationship difficulties with partners, friends and family are common triggers to depressive symptoms and/or can be an outcome of depression. Therapy will help you to understand and improve relational dynamics relevant to your difficulties.