Our Team

Newcastle Psychologist Nick Hutchins

Nicholas Hutchins

Clinical Psychologist
BA. Psych (Hons) | M. Clin Psych

Nick is a Clinical Psychologist and AHPRA approved supervisor. He completed his Masters in Clinical Psychology at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Nick is passionate about helping individuals navigate their emotional challenges to achieve meaningful and lasting change. He prioritises a compassionate and collaborative approach to psychotherapy that aims to address the root causes of people’s difficulties.

Sarah Young

Clinical Psychologist
BA. Psych (Hons) | M. Clin Psych

Sarah is a Clinical Psychologist with experience in both the public and private sector. She completed her Masters in Clinical Psychology at the University of Newcastle. Sarah believes people need someone to be in the moment with them as they bear their feelings. She prioritises emotional regulation and understanding so people feel empowered to meet their true capacity and overcome life's challenges.

Newcastle Clinical Psychologist Rebecca Stuart

Rebecca Stuart

Clinical Psychologist
GD. Psych | M. Clin Psych

Rebecca is a Clinical Psychologist who has extensive experience working with adults in private practice. She believes in supporting people as a whole and understands that past mistreatment and neglect often leads to peoples current experience of mental illness. She helps clients build their self-compassion and confidence to overcome their emotional suffering. Rebecca is a queer-friendly, sex positive therapist.

Dr Tanya Hopwood

Clinical Psychologist
GD. Psych | PhD. Psych | M. Clin Psych

Tanya is a clinical psychologist who has a wealth of experience in both private practice and research. Holding a PhD in Psychology from the University of New England and a Masters in Clinical Psychology from the University of Newcastle, Tanya's research during her doctoral studies delved into trauma and its related psychological effects. Her goal is to collaboratively address mental health challenges, facilitating a journey towards a more wholesome life unburdened by associated stressors. Tanya is dedicated to guiding her clients through a supportive therapeutic process, fostering resilience and improved psychological well-being.

Dr Sarah Campbell

Clinical and Health Psychologist
B Psych (Hons) | DClinHlthPsych

Sarah is a Clinical Psychologist with vast experience working with adults experiencing a wide range of psychological difficulties. She completed her Doctorate in Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Newcastle. Sarah is a Senior Clinical Psychologist at the Hunter Integrated Pain Service (HIPS). Sarah recognises the important role that emotions play in both mental and physical wellbeing.

Jordan Duchatel

Practice Manager

As a dedicated business partner and practice manager at Lacuna Clinical Psychology, Jordan placed a primary focus on clinical care and wellbeing of our patients. Responsible for the seamless operation of our practice, Jordan is your first point of contact, managing inquiries and ensuring a supportive environment. With a comprehensive understanding of Lacuna’s treatment model - Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP), Jordan is here to address any questions you may have about our services. Your journey towards mental wellbeing begins with Jordan’s commitment to exceptional patient care.


Therapy Dog

Remi, our highly trained therapy dog, has been a loyal companion to her owner, Sarah Young, since her puppy days, offering unwavering support to our patients. With a friendly tail wag and a comforting nuzzle, Remi warmly welcomes individuals as they settle in for therapy. While stationed in her cozy bed, she patiently awaits cues to provide support and a boost of oxytocin, the happy hormone. Therapy can be challenging, and Remi's gentle presence, coupled with the occasional request for belly rubs, offers moments of lighthearted relief.